Nota : Puisque la Ontario Tech University est une université anglophone, les renseignements qu'elle a fourni sont en anglais seulement.

Ontario Tech University

  • Ontario Tech University students at a sporting event

Say Hello to Ontario Tech University!

We advance the discovery and application of knowledge to accelerate economic growth, regional development and social innovation. We inspire and equip our students and graduates to make a positive impact in a tech-focused world. 

Professors and students undertake research in a wide range of areas that include automotive design and engineering, business and information technology, computational science, alternative and sustainable energy, nuclear engineering, law enforcement, manufacturing and community/public health, to name a few.

Our unique and technology‑rich teaching and learning environment challenges you to push the boundaries of innovation and discovery, and prepares you to excel in the global, knowledge‑driven economy of the 21st century - the possibilities are endless. 

Your experience with us is about more than attending classes in our blended-learning environment. We provide the supports and connections you need to make your student journey right for you. 

Experiential and Work-integrated Learning 

The City of Oshawa is ranked #1 in Canada for jobs, as well a top-5 market for tech talent growth in Canada. The university has a long history of offering experiential and work-integrated learning for our students; we define experiential learning as the opportunity to learn by doing, while applying theoretical knowledge to real-world settings. Our experiential/work-integrated learning includes:

  • Capstone projects
  • Clinicals
  • Co-ops
  • Entrepreneurial work terms
  • Independent study projects
  • Internships
  • Placements
  • Practicums
  • Research
  • Undergraduate thesis

Learn more about Ontario Tech and stay connected with us.