Nota : Puisque la University of Waterloo – Conrad Grebel University College est une université anglophone, les renseignements qu'elle a fourni sont en anglais seulement.
Scholarships and Awards
Mennonite Diversity Award
University of Waterloo – Conrad Grebel University College
Approx. $2,500 to 5,000
The Abner Martin Music Scholarship
University of Waterloo – Conrad Grebel University College
Approx. $3,000 (varies)
The Jean Caya Music Award
University of Waterloo – Conrad Grebel University College
$2,500 (Renouvelable)
The Vic and Rita Krueger Family PACS Award
University of Waterloo – Conrad Grebel University College
Approx. $1,000 (50% in the student's first year and the remainder in their second year)