Nota : Puisque la Algoma University est une université anglophone, les renseignements qu'elle a fourni sont en anglais seulement.

Environmental Science (BSc 4 Year)

Algoma University

Vue d’ensemble

Sommaire du programme

Algoma University
Bachelor of Science, BSc
Code de programme
Fourchette de notes
Apprentissage expérientiel
Non disponible
This is an open enrollment program. First-year admissions are not capped.
Langue d'enseignement

The Environmental Science program is offered through the School of Life Sciences and the Environment. This is an interdisciplinary program that integrates core courses in the disciplines of biology, chemistry, and geography. By integrating multiple disciplines, we are able to address some of the most profound and complex concerns faced by modern society.

The program examines the increased impacts of global climate change, the spread and threats of invasive species, the continued loss of biodiversity and degradation of agricultural soil quality and availability, and other environmental challenges.