You must complete university study before you can apply to the following programs.
To find programs that require you to complete college study before you can apply, view Collaborative University and College Programs.
Business Administration
Queen’s University's Smith School of Business is one of the world’s premier business schools, with a faculty renowned for their business experience and academic credentials. We have earned international recognition for our innovative approach to business education.
Admission requirements: Successful completion of an undergraduate degree program and minimum GPA, references, GMAT or GRE.
Queen's University's Faculty of Education offers undergraduate programs leading to teacher certification and graduate programs (MEd/PhD). Additional qualification and professional development courses for teachers are also offered.
Admission requirements: Successful completion of an undergraduate degree program and minimum GPA.
Law – Civil and Common
Queen's Faculty of Law is renowned for its special combination of academic excellence and community engagement, placing it in the top tier of Canadian law schools.
Admission requirements: 3 years of undergraduate studies, minimum GPA and Law School Admission Test.
As a Queen's Medicine graduate, you will have a foundation in medicine that will prepare you for success in qualifying examinations and post-graduate training programs, and for fulfilling careers serving your patients and your communities.
Admission requirements: 3 years of undergraduate study with minimum GPA, Medical College Admission Test, autobiographical sketch and interview.
Public Health and Safety (for university graduates)
Students in the Masters of Public Health Program will develop the applied skills needed to organize, analyze, interpret and communicate public health knowledge, and apply this knowledge to the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of public health policies and programs.
Admission requirements: Successful completion of an Honours undergraduate degree program and minimum GPA.
Rehabilitation Therapy
Queen's University's School of Rehabilitation Therapy offers programs in Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation Science (MSc and PhD) and Aging and Health (Graduate Diploma and MSc).
Admission requirements: Successful completion of an undergraduate degree program, including prerequisite courses and minimum GPA.
Urban and Regional Planning (for university graduates)
Queen's University's 2-year Master of Urban and Regional Planning program allows students to develop the knowledge and skills they require to become leaders in the planning field, and to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving urban environment.
Admission requirements: Successful completion of an undergraduate degree program and minimum GPA.