Nota : Puisque la Trent University est une université anglophone, les renseignements qu'elle a fourni sont en anglais seulement.

Bachelor of Arts and Science - Medical: Trent/Swansea Dual Degree

Trent University



Vue d’ensemble

Sommaire du programme

Trent University
Bachelor of Architectural Studies, BAS
Code de programme
Fourchette de notes
80% minimum
Apprentissage expérientiel
Option de stage ou d'internat disponible
Langue d'enseignement
Graduate with both a BAS and BSc in one of Swansea University’s dedicated medical pathway programs in only 4 years. Are you a high achiever with a dream of working as a medical professional? Through this unique program, you will graduate career-ready with the broad range of interdisciplinary skills needed for a career in the medical and healthcare sector. Broaden your perspective as you spend your first 2 years exploring a range of scientific, social and humanist theories and issues as a BAS student at Trent. From there, you will head across the Atlantic to complete a Bachelor of Science (BSc) Honours degree at Swansea University in the UK in one of their dedicated medical pathway programs, including Applied Medical Sciences, Medical Biochemistry, Medical Genetics, Medical Pharmacology, and Population Health and Medical Science.