Programmes de premier cycle nécessitant des études universitaires

Les programmes suivants exigent la réussite d’études universitaires avant de pouvoir y faire demande.

Pour trouver des programmes qui exigent la réussite d’études collégiales avant de faire demande, consultez Programmes conjoints des universités et collèges.

27 programmes

Business Administration

Western University

Premier cycle

Two years of university study and prerequisites are required. Demonstrated leadership in extracurricular activities, community involvement and work experience are also important parts of the application.

The Ivey Honours Business Administration (HBA) Program is a 2+2 program, which means you can study in any faculty at Western or another recognized university for your first 2 years, followed by 2 years of concentrated business study at Ivey. No other undergraduate business program provides you with the opportunity to explore as many different career paths as the Ivey Honours Business Administration (HBA).

Several combined degree options between Ivey and other faculties at Western are also available for you to explore.

You can apply for conditional admission to Ivey during your last year of high school as part of the Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) or apply from university.

Learn more about applying to Ivey from high school.

View Ivey HBA videos, brochures and downloads.

Certificate in Digital Communication: Social Media & Virtual Worlds

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

The Certificate in Digital Communication (CDC) helps students understand the best practices of social media, virtual worlds and emerging forms of online communication. Based on practical explorations of media theory, this program is ideal for students who want to pursue a career in digital communications. It's also geared towards students who want to augment their professional or academic pursuits with a powerful set of tools and competencies that include the following:
  • - principles and production of social media, digital media and virtual worlds
  • - online information and organization
  • - creating and overseeing digital content
  • - theoretical and practical application of virtual worlds and simulated spaces
  • - producing and managing online communities
  • - gaming, social networking, social movements, search engines, graphic design, digital imaging and website design

The Certificate in Digital Communication is open to any student who is currently completing an undergraduate degree at Western. The Certificate may be combined with any module/program and students across all disciplines are invited to apply.

Certificate in Ethics

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

The Certificate in Ethics is a program of study that may be completed in conjunction with any module in Philosophy (with the exception of a Minor in Ethics). Offered through Western University's Department of Philosophy, the certificate is being offered as a response to a wide and growing interest in the ethical dimensions of professional and public life.

The purpose of this program is to enable participants to strengthen and develop their understanding of ethics so as to enhance their ability to recognize and respond to ethical issues in a wide variety of social settings.

The Certificate in Ethics will educate students in the essential concepts, central issues, history and methodologies of ethical reasoning. The program also emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills, writing skills and verbal skills.

The Certificate in Ethics is a program of study that may be completed while pursuing an undergraduate degree at Western.

Certificate in Intercultural Communication for Arabic

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Certificate in Intercultural Communications: Available for Arabic, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

Make yourself an active part of the global experience. A Certificate in Intercultural Communications will improve your skills to communicate and connect, whether you work in a multicultural team, support a community project or participate in a global network.

Gain these skills with the Intercultural Course modules:

  • Cross-cultural collaboration
  • Intercultural awareness
  • Creative multicultural problem-solving
  • Cultural humility and intercultural competence

Certificate in Intercultural Communication for Japanese

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Certificate in Intercultural Communications available for Arabic, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish.

Make yourself an active part of the global experience. A Certificate in Intercultural Communications will improve your skills to communicate and connect, whether you work in a multicultural team, support a community project or participate in a global network.

Gain these skills with the Intercultural Course modules:

  • Cross-cultural collaboration
  • Intercultural awareness
  • Creative multicultural problem-solving
  • Cultural humility and intercultural competence

Certificate in Practical German

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Begin your German studies in first year with German 1030 and graduate with a Practical Certificate in German (3.0 courses).

Become proficient in one of the most important languages of the European union through 3 streamlined full-year language and culture courses that you can compliment with optional half-courses in conversation, business German, translation or culture. The Practical Certificate in German will be an asset to careers in business, science, including environmental science and the arts.

Certificate in Practical Italian

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Develop a proficiency in the language and complement your major in another subject. The certificate, open to all undergraduate students, strengthens applications of a student who intends to pursue careers or graduate study in areas where another language would be useful.

Certificate in Practical Spanish

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Develop a proficiency in Spanish and complement your major in another subject! This certificate, open to all undergraduate students, strengthens applications of a student who intends to pursue careers or graduate study in areas using Spanish.

Certificate in Professional Communication

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Open to all students at the University, the Certificate in Professional Communication aims to develop students' writing abilities in workplace writing genres. All program courses may be credited toward other undergraduate programs. Any undergraduate student may apply for admission, subject to prerequisites and general university entrance requirements.

Certificate in Theatre Arts

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

The Certificate in Theatre Arts provides training in drama and theatrical performance that meets the requirements for Drama as a teachable subject in the Faculty of Education.

In addition to 2.0 courses that study drama as a literary genre, the Certificate requires participation as a member of either the cast or crew for the Department of English and Writing Studies' Annual Fall Theatre Production (English 2041F/G), 0.5 course in Canadian drama with an emphasis on performance and pedagogy (English 3776F/G), and two 0.5-credit summer courses offered in partnership with and on the campus of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival (Theatre Studies 3206F/G and Theatre Studies 3207F/G).

Certificate in Writing

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Open to all students in the University, the Certificate Program in Writing aims to develop students' general writing ability. All program courses may be credited toward other undergraduate programs. Any undergraduate student may apply for admission, subject to prerequisites and general university entrance requirements.

Communication Sciences and Disorders

Western University

Deuxième ou de troisième cycle

Communication Sciences and Disorders MClS
Prerequisite: Four-year undergraduate degree

Diploma in Arts Management

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Arts organizations require skilled manager and administrators who not only have a passion for the arts, but who also have the skills and knowledge to run a business. Developed in partnership with The Stratford Festival, Orchestra London, The Grand Theatre, and Museum London, Western’s innovative Diploma in Arts Management offers an exciting combination of classroom education and hands-on experience that will prepare university graduates for careers in the growing field of arts management.

Diploma in Digital Communication: Social Media & Virtual Worlds

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Students already possessing an undergraduate degree may apply for admission to the Diploma program. The Diploma in Digital Communication (CDC) helps students understand the best practices of social media, virtual worlds and emerging forms of online communication.

Based on practical explorations of media theory, this program is ideal for students who want to pursue a career in digital communications. It is also geared towards students who want to augment their professional or academic pursuits with a powerful set of tools and competencies that include:

  • principles and production of social media, digital media and virtual worlds
  • online information and organization
  • creating and overseeing digital content
  • theoretical and practical application of virtual worlds and simulated spaces
  • producing and managing online communities
  • gaming, social networking, social movements, search engines, graphic design, digital imaging and website design

Diploma in Ethics

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

The Diploma in Ethics, offered through Western University, Department of Philosophy, is being offered as a response to a wide and growing interest in the ethical dimensions of professional and public life. The purpose of this program is to enable participants to strengthen and develop their understanding of ethics so as to enhance their ability to recognize and respond to ethical issues in a wide variety of social settings.

The Diploma in Ethics will educate students in the essential concepts, central issues, history and methodologies of ethical reasoning. The program also emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills, writing skills and verbal skills. The Diploma in Ethics is a post-undergraduate program of study that may be completed full-time in 1 year or part-time over a number of years.

Diploma in Game Development

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

The field of video game development offers many interesting and exciting career opportunities, both in entertainment and serious game industries. Designers, programmers, and testers are needed by game development studios and by the makers of engines, tools, and middleware to support video game software.

The Diploma in Game Development provides students with the opportunity to investigate computing problems in an entertaining and engaging fashion. Students will express their creativity and ingenuity, investigate multidisciplinary issues, work in realistic team settings, and ultimately prepare for entry into this stimulating and dynamic field.

Diploma in Professional Communication

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Open to all students at the University, the Diploma in Professional Communication aims to develop students' writing abilities in workplace writing genres. All program courses may be credited toward other undergrad programs.

A student who does not yet possess a university degree may apply for admission to the Certificate Program in Professional Communication, which can be taken concurrently with an undergraduate degree.

Diploma in Writing

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

Open to all students with a university degree, the Diploma in Writing aims to develop the general writing ability of students. All program courses may be credited toward other undergraduate programs.

Anyone with a university degree may apply for admission, subject to prerequisites and general university entrance requirements. If you do not already possess a university degree, you may apply for admission to the Certificate in Writing, which can be taken concurrently with an undergraduate degree.

Diplôme de français pratique (Diploma in Practical French)

Western University

Programmes menant à un certificat ou un diplôme

If you have already been awarded an undergraduate degree, you are eligible to pursue the Diploma in Practical French. The Diploma in Practical French is a 4.0 credit program that certifies that a student has reached a certain level of proficiency in practical French communication skills.