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Ontario Tech University


Basic Requirements for Admission You must successfully complete the Ontario Secondary School Diploma with at least six 4U/M credits, including program prerequisites. Find specific admission requirements and program prerequisites. If your grades were affected by exceptional  The specific average or standing required for admission varies from year to year. We select students by taking into consideration a wide range of criteria, including school grades, distribution of subjects taken and…

Carleton University


Basic Requirements for Admission For admission to undergraduate programs, Ontario students must have the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six 4U/M courses. 4U English is recommended. 4U/M credits for Co-op courses will not be considered as part of the 6 courses. Higher averages are required for admission to programs for which the demand for places by qualified applicants exceeds the number of places available. The overall  Admission is not guaranteed and all requirements are subject…