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Common Course Codes


This list provides common course codes for 4U/M courses in the Ontario high school curriculum. OUInfo uses these course codes for the program prerequisites listed on the website. …

University of Waterloo


Basic requirements Ontario High School Diploma with a minimum of 6 Grade 12 U/M courses, including the  Your admission average consists of the grades from your top 6 Grade 12 U/M courses, including all required courses for the program you' All offers of admission are conditional upon completing the Ontario Secondary School Diploma and maintaining the grades indicated in a student&rsquo If your first language is not English, and you have not studied full-time in an English-language school…

Western University


Basic Requirements for Admission Ontario Grade 12 Requirements Ontario Secondary School Diploma A minimum of six grade 12U/M level courses (excluding co-op), including English (ENG4U) Proof of English Language Proficiency  All your completed and in-progress grade 11U/M level courses Requirements specific to your program (required courses or supplementary forms) Failed and Repeated Courses If you have 2 repeats, we' Midterm and Final Grades If you do not have a grade in…

Nipissing University


Basic Requirements for Admission Admission decisions are made on evidence of enrollment in 4U/M courses, including prerequisite courses. The minimum average for full-time admission consideration for most degree programs at Nipissing is at least 70% and may be higher. The cut-off average for some specific programs and/or majors is at least 75%, with some limited enrollment programs having an even higher cut-off average. Ontario - Program Specific Admission Requirements Canadian (Outside of Ontario)…

University of Guelph-Humber


Basic Requirements for Admission Admission average:  Estimated cut-off admission ranges: The estimated cut-off range for all of our honours undergraduate programs is 75&ndash Subject requirements: A list for all provinces and territories can be found on the  Offers of admission: Offers are sent on an ongoing basis from December until the end of May, and applicants are assessed throughout those months. All domestic applicants will receive an admission decision by May 29, 2025. Your final…

OCAD University


Basic Requirements for Admission The primary basis for admission to OCAD University' All offers of admission are conditional upon meeting minimum academic requirements. Ontario high school students must successfully complete an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), including the following: Six 4U/M courses with an overall final average of 70% 4U English (ENG4U or EAE4U) with a minimum final grade of 70% If English is not your first language and you have not completed 4 consecutive…

University of Waterloo – Renison University College


Basic Requirements for Admission All conditional offers are contingent on the completion of all high school diploma requirements, including a minimum final admission average of 80%. Some programs may specify other conditions, including higher final admission averages. Basic requirements: At least six 4U/M courses, including all required courses, as specified for each program. EAE4U will be treated as equivalent to ENG4U. If your first language is not English, and you have not studied in an…

Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)


Basic Requirements for Admission All programs at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) have academic requirements. Some programs require more: Grades-Only programs select students on the basis of academic performance. Grades-Plus programs select students on the basis of academic performance plus non-academic requirements, such as auditions, interviews, portfolios, essays, etc. If distance does not permit travel to our campus, selection methods may include online interviews, video auditions,…